While You Were Happy


My friend Liz and I have started a web comic on Instagram called While You Were Happy and have been slowly telling people about it. The project is an outlet for us to share our love of dark humor and to collaborate in a fun, creative way. Click the link below and be sure to Follow us:


Fall Sweets

Earlier this week, I received an unexpected present from a sweet lady at the bank. I was making a deposit for work and the friendly face behind the counter lit up when I walked up. She reached under the counter and revealed a bag of M&M’S. Being a person who appreciates both gifts and sweets, my face also lit up when she handed it to me.

She and I had been discussing, days before, this limited-edition fall flavor and I had mentioned that I never heard of such a thing. But, I also asserted that I find great joy in trying things I’ve never tried before; I think she might have taken it as an oppurtunity to introduce a new flavor of a popular candy into my life. So very sweet!

Taste-wise, are they my new favorite thing to ever hit the shelves? Maybe not. The pecan pie taste is subtle and not everyone I shared them with was smitten. But, they are a fun reminder of today’s change of seasons and I am always a fan of autumn. I will also always be a fan of trying new things. When it comes to comfort zones, I think it’s a good practice to reach past our personal boundaries from time to time and to at least taste a bite of something new—even if it’s only seasonal. I think I’ll grab another handful of M&M’s now.


Never Enough

Never Enough

I want all the best for you
Would give all I have to you
But, it never seems to be enough

When I think of all I’ve tried to do
Dressed you up, gave so much to you:
They were never enough

At times, you wanted more than I had
A piggy bank with an endless tank
With tired eyes I tried to say,
“It will never be enough”

I watched you walk away today
I thought of all I want for you
And how much I do love you
Still giving what I can to you,
I just hope, someday, that you might say,
“It was always enough”



Weeds are Pretty


Weeds are Pretty

Weeds are pretty,
Just like any flowers
Maybe a little more wild and free,
Living where they please

The rain falls down,
Dirt settles on the ground
Not at all lacking, they’re solid,
Colorful, intact, and pure

Bees, birds, and insects
Need what they gladly share
So much to be discovered—
The splendor that is theirs

So, go right ahead, pretties
Never change, please stay this way
The whole world is your garden
Such a stunning display